Scholarship Not Available!

Sorry, this scholarship is no longer offered.

What They're Looking For

  • 🎓Study Year: 1st - 2nd Year

Additional Notes

Only for international students currently enrolled in a Canadian University

About Scholarship

In this survey, we will ask you to share your candid perspective about the postsecondary institutions you are applying to and your decision process. Your feedback will be used by a university to make important decisions about their marketing and communication efforts. 

All those who complete the survey will have the chance to enter a draw to win $1,000.

Those interested in entering the draw will be asked for their email address. Please note that any email addresses that are collected will be used only to contact the winner of the draw. We will not contact you unless you have won.  

All survey results will be securely stored on Canadian servers and your answers will be kept completely confidential.

About Company

Academica Group is a national research and consulting organization based in London, ON that works in the postsecondary education sector. We occasionally ask high school students to complete surveys so we can help schools make important decisions about what new programs to offer, what students are looking for, etc.