What They're Looking For

  • 🏀Sports: Rugby
  • 🎂Age: 17 - 21
  • 🌎Citizenship: Canadian

Additional Notes

A current male or female student who is involved in the sport as a player, coach or administrator:

  1. Involved in the development and expansion of the game;
  2. Enrolled in a full-time degree (graduate or undergraduate), diploma or certificate program at a Canadian college or university for the academic year commencing in the year in which the scholarship is granted.  Students commencing their studies in the Fall are eligible.

About Scholarship

George Jones Q.C. is well known in both athletic and legal circles. His resume is lengthy and legendary and includes appearances and successes at virtually every court level, fundraising, coaching, refereeing in many sports and at many levels. Blessed with fine oratorical skills, legal judgment, an innate sense of wrong and right together with a complete lack of financial sense and generosity to all regardless of circumstances dictates that George is still working hard after 50 years at the bar.

George was born in Victoria. His father was an admiral and knew the value of discipline and hence George was sent to Brentwood College School at that time located in Mill Bay, he spent 1 year at Brentwood, the rest at Lakefield in Ontario. George’s career at Brentwood ended when he blew up the toilet in the changing room by mixing chemicals and water which we are given to understand is why he became a lawyer and not a chemist.

From there George attended law school at UBC and married early and had 5 children. Times were often tough due to George’s propensity to bet all on the wrong horse. Nevertheless graduation was achieved and a short career with Revenue Canada followed. Either or both Revenue Canada or George came to their senses and George has spent the last 50 years defending individuals in Tax Court and bailing out rugby players from various situations and occasionally and sporadically billing clients strictly on Robin Hood principles. Two more children followed together with countless loyal and loving  friends. George’s roast in 2012 was attended by 300 people at the Empress and raised 50,000 for the George Jones scholarship.

One of George’s most ardent passions is for the sport of rugby and he is a co-founder and first director of the Canadian Rugby Foundation .

About Company

The Canadian Rugby Foundation operates independently of, but cooperatively with, Rugby Canada. The Foundation is a non-profit organization governed by a Board consisting of directors appointed by the Foundation from donating members, and from Rugby Canada.