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About Scholarship

StratoGrid Advisory is a Management Consulting firm located in Ottawa, Canada.

We strive to provide tailored and objective Information Technology and Business Continuity advice designed to give our clients the confidence to pursue their strategic vision.

About Company

StratoGrid Advisory is a Management Consulting firm located in Ottawa, Canada.

Our mission is to help organizations of all sizes and types to improve their resiliency and effectiveness. We live in an unpredictable world, and organizations unprepared to handle crisis and disruptions can face large losses as a result. These losses can often be minimized or largely eliminated if organizations take time to develop strategies and response plans to mitigate risks. We combine industry-leading practices with our knowledge and experience to help organizations implement, develop and maintain effective business continuity programs and IT strategies.

We believe that a thorough understanding of our clients’ unique structure, challenges and vision is the foundation for successful IT Strategic and Business Continuity Planning. We then combine this foundational knowledge with process-driven and vendor-agnostic advice to develop measurable and tailored strategies for every organization we work with.