Scholarship Not Available!

Sorry, this scholarship is no longer offered.

What They're Looking For

  • 🎓Study Year: 1st Year - Post Grad

About Scholarship

American Pavilion is devoted to supporting general education and is delighted to announce that we are now offering an annual $1,000 scholarship.

About Company

At American Pavilion, we’re proud of our long-standing commitment to superior service and quality fabric structures, including the latest in Clearspan tent design. That pride is evident in everything we do.

Our story spans more than a century and involves an evolution into what we believe - and our customers affirm - is one of the premier tent rental companies in the United States. Today, American Pavilion is operated by fourth generation family members. We specialize in tent rentals of every kind and size. Utilizing the latest technologies and products, we are continually searching for ways to improve our business. This has enabled us to build a multi-million dollar company that services all of North America with Hocker and Losberger temporary structures.