Scholarship Not Available!

Sorry, this scholarship is no longer offered.

What They're Looking For

All students are eligible!

About Scholarship

We will evaluate your content, grammar and writing skills. Therefore, before, submitting the application, you should take your time to edit and review your essay thoroughly. Your essay should be:

  • Authentic
  • Polished up in terms of structure, style and grammar
  • Demonstrate depth of your ideas

3 essays with the highest score based on the criteria above will win the Nerdy Bot essay contest. The results will be published on the website and on our official Facebook page.

Only the scholarship winners will be contacted by Nerdify team members via email.

About Company

One day they have decided to create a simple service that is able to connect them to experienced students or an alum to help solve their uni-related issues. From advising the best college to go to all the way to ordering best books for the course. It all started as a tiny university project for their friends and classmates, but soon it went viral and now Nerdify is used all over the world by tens of thousands of students, top universities, and businesses.