What They're Looking For

  • 🍎Grades: 80 - 100%
  • ❤️Volunteer Experience

About Scholarship

Wasyl Sytnyk (1907-2000) led Ukrainian Credit Union through its early years, serving as its first President of the Board from 1944 until 1979. Upon his retirement from the Board in 1987, Mr. Sytnyk was appointed Honorary Director for Life for his outstanding contribution to our credit union. In recognition of his exemplary service to Ontario's credit union movement, Mr. Sytnyk was awarded the Credit Union Central of Ontario's Distinguished Service Award in 1982. In addition to his role as UCU President, Mr. Sytnyk was a long-time president of the Council of Ukrainian Credit Unions of Canada, The World Council of Ukrainian Co-operatives, and was very active in the church and organizational life of the Ukrainian Community. 

The award will be made to a candidate of Ukrainian heritage who: 

  • is enrolled full time in a post-secondary institution in a field of study that will lead to a career within the business or finance sectors, banking, marketing, or wealth management 
  • shows above average academic skills
  • demonstrates leadership and community involvement
  • has been a member of UCU for at least two years

No candidate can be awarded the same scholarship more than once.

About Company

About Ukrainian Credit Union Limited (UCU)

Ukrainian Credit Union Limited is a Canadian financial institution established in 1944. It is regulated by the Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario (FSRA) and principally carries on business in Ontario.

Over the decades UCU has served the broader community of which it is a part. It continues to support the maintenance and growth of Ukrainian cultural and community life as contribution to a strong, united and multicultural Canadian society.